Bhutanese red rice is one of the dru na gu, ‘the nine types of grain’ or traditional staples of Bhutanese people.

Rice is a daily staple for Bhutanese.

Various kinds of rice are grown in paddies all over Bhutan, making rice one of the primary subsistence crops in the country. Rice is a daily staple for Bhutanese. It is steamed, boiled, fried, and roasted, used as a basic starch in popular dishes like ema datsi, made into porridge and stews, fermented to make alcohol, and fashioned into ritual offerings.

While red rice has been grown by Bhutanese farmers for centuries it has only recently entered the international market. Fortunately, more and more people around the world are beginning to realize the amazing health benefits of this special variety of rice and to take advantage of them.

anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Pigmented cereals such as black and red rice have been shown to possess significantly higher concentrations of phenolic acids and other antioxidants than other types of rice and cereals. Antioxidants like phenolic acids form an essential part of a balanced, healthy diet, offering a range of disease-reducing, immune-enhancing, and anti-aging benefits. Recent studies have clearly demonstrated red rice’s considerable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Our Bhutanese red rice is one hundred percent organic.

It has been harvested and processed using traditional methods to retain the fullest concentration of nutrients in each health-promoting grain. Versatile and easy to prepare, we hope that this rice will become as familiar and favoured in your kitchen and household as it is for countless Bhutanese.

Our Bhutanese red rice is 100% organic.

Red rice has also been shown to possess remarkable anti-diabetic and anti-cholesterol effects as well, leading scientists to conclude that “daily consumption of black rice, red rice, or having their extracts in food supplements may prevent the onset of diabetes”. Red rice’s proven anti-aging and skin revitalizing properties mean that extracts from the cereal are becoming common ingredients in cosmetic products as well.

skin revitalizing

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